Understand the relevance of training the team and how modern concepts such as lean production, Six Sigma, and Kanban method can assist in asset management. Read the article and learn more details!

Over the years, asset management has been a challenge for many companies, as there is no single system that covers all the areas necessary for its improvement. To increase asset management efficiency, companies need a team and employees trained in modern methods and concepts such as lean production, Six Sigma, and Kanban method.

In this post, we will discuss the importance of empowering the team and how, when combined with a management software, it is able to transform the company’s numbers.

The importance of empowering the team

Empowering the team is an essential part of the success of asset management. A well-trained team knows the processes, has the knowledge to identify problems and develop solutions. In addition, trained staff can implement processes optimally.

How modern concepts help with asset management

Modern concepts such as lean production, Six Sigma and Kanban method are important tools to improve asset management. For instance:

  • lean production reduces waste and makes processes more efficient;
  • Six Sigma improves process quality based on an objective assessment and clear pillars that define focuses of improvement;
  • the Kanban method ensures alignment between teams by proposing a coherent and organized workflow.

These are just a few examples of methodologies that are widely used by organizations.

Team training is essential for professionals to apply these modern concepts effectively. With the appropriate training, the team can develop skills to act in these different models. Only in this way will the methodologies generate effective and satisfactory results.

How to implement team training programs to act on these concepts?

To implement team training programs, it is important to have a detailed analysis of existing processes to understand the specific needs of the company and the areas that need improvement.

With defined needs, managers need to determine which or which methodologies have already been implemented or will be adopted to accommodate their operations. The team will be trained to operate based on the selected concept.

After that, it is necessary to define the training objectives and goals, which should be measured and evaluated regularly. In addition, it is important to have a continuous program that allows the team to keep up to date with new trends and technologies.

How can a trained team leverage company results through management software?

Even with all modern concepts and methods, asset management still needs software to help monitor and manage processes. Management software can help track assets, track production, track production costs, and other functions, allowing the company to have a broader view of processes.

Some of these software scans provide functionality that assists in implementing team management methodologies. They can generate indicators to monitor results, organize checklists, manage tasks, among other functions.

Team training and the adoption of modern concepts such as lean production, Six Sigma and Kanban method are essential actions to optimize asset management. At the same time, the use of management software is necessary to monitor and manage processes. When a skilled team is combined with management software, the company can have more efficient and impressive results.

Manusis4 is an asset management software that can represent a great gain for skilled teams. Request a demo of our software and learn more!