Saiba como a manutenção preventiva pode impactar nos resultados da empresa e como elaborar um plano de manutenção eficiente com o Manusis4!

Did you know that preventive maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure efficiency and productivity in your company? Preventive maintenance involves conducting regular interventions on equipment and machinery before they experience failures or defects. This way, you can avoid unplanned downtime, reduce repair costs, and increase the lifespan of your assets.

In this post, we will explain how preventive maintenance can positively impact your company’s results and how to develop an efficient maintenance plan tailored to your needs. Keep reading to find out more!

Why is preventive maintenance important?

How is preventive maintenance going in your company? The truth is that this practice is not present in many businesses, but it can offer significant benefits in terms of performance, costs, and quality. Take a look at the following points:

  • melhora o desempenho e a qualidade dos equipamentos e máquinas, evitando falhas, desgastes e perda de precisão;Improves the performance and quality of equipment and machinery, preventing failures, wear and tear, and loss of precision.
  • Enhances worker safety by preventing accidents and damages caused by defective equipment.
  • otimiza o uso dos recursos, reduzindo o consumo de energia, água, lubrificantes e outros insumos;Optimizes resource usage by reducing energy consumption, water usage, lubricant consumption, and other inputs.
  • diminui os custos operacionais, Reduces operational costs by avoiding emergency repairs, fines, compensations, and loss of customers.

Since it is so important, how can you put it into practice? Let’s understand!

How to develop a preventive maintenance plan?

To develop a preventive maintenance plan, you can follow a few simple steps:

  • Conduct an inventory of the equipment and machinery that require preventive maintenance, considering their criticality, frequency of use, and historical failure data.
  • Define the intervals and maintenance procedures for each equipment or machinery, based on manufacturer recommendations, technical standards, and the team’s experience.
  • redirAllocate the necessary human and material resources for preventive maintenance, such as tools, spare parts, and skilled and trained labor.
  • Establish performance indicators to monitor and evaluate the results of preventive maintenance, such as availability rate, reliability, productivity, and cost-effectiveness.

How can technology assist in preventive maintenance?

Previously, maintenance teams relied on spreadsheets and paper documents that needed to be correctly filled out and managed. Nowadays, technology can assist preventive maintenance in several ways, including:

  • Facilitating the recording and control of information about equipment and machinery, such as purchase dates, warranties, installations, maintenance, and replacements.
  • Automating scheduling and sending reminders for planned interventions, avoiding forgetfulness or delays.
  • Integrating preventive maintenance data with other company systems, such as inventory, procurement, finance, and quality.
  • Generating reports and graphs that allow for analysis of the history, performance, and costs of preventive maintenance.

There’s no doubt that preventive maintenance is essential for ensuring efficiency and productivity in your company. With a well-developed maintenance plan supported by technology, you can achieve significant gains.

If you want to learn more about how technology can assist in preventive maintenance, request a demonstration of Manusis4! Manusis4 is an asset management software that allows you to manage the entire lifecycle of your equipment and machinery. Test it now!