As much as Brazil is experiencing a boom regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), in 2020 and with the advancement of the pandemic, the country found itself in the need to explore even more and seek technological efficiency, so as not to be late in the market.

So much so that in May 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology, with multiple sectors, released a document that guides public policies for developing AI in the country, to promote sustained investments in AI research and development; remove barriers to innovation; train and train professionals for the AI ecosystem; stimulate innovation and developing Brazilian AI in an international environment, among others.

In addition, according to a study by the Dataminder District, with support from KPMG, artificial intelligence (AI) is the focus of the work of 702 Brazilian startups. In 2020 alone, US$365 million was raised for these companies focused on the sector, through investment rounds.

It was in 2020 we work with artificial intelligence. It is very interesting to see the disruption that has taken place over the past two years. In 2021 alone, Manusis4 invested R$1 million in AI.

At Manusis4, AI will manage assets of a company in different sectors, such as industry, food, agribusiness, hospital, logistics, among others. In addition, we are accelerating our learning in developing intelligent algorithms connected to machines by IoT (Internet of Things) sensors. Through this technology our system is notified that a machine in a hospital needs repair – without even before it stops working, for example. All this generates savings and reduces risks for the company.

 In this article from Evangelizar TV, for which I was interviewed, we talk about the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the lives of ordinary people.

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