Mobility: the key to efficient asset and team management in large companies. Learn more in this text!

Have you noticed how mobility has become a prominent feature in today’s society? People increasingly want speed, flexibility, and efficiency in various activities, and mobile apps have made that possible. In the business realm, it’s no different. Mobility in management is already part of the culture of many corporations.

In this article, we will show how mobility has been essential for efficient management in large companies, especially in the facilities sector, which involves the administration of services and infrastructure that support organizational functioning. 

Keep reading to understand the different possibilities and impacts of this trend!

How has mobility generated significant results in large corporations?

Mobility has generated important results in large corporations by enabling greater agility in decision-making, facilitating access to real-time relevant information and data, regardless of the physical location of managers or assets.

This means that managers can remotely and instantly monitor the status, performance, costs, risks, and opportunities of assets, enabling them to take preventive, corrective, or strategic actions more quickly and efficiently.

For example, if a manager detects a problem with a piece of equipment through a mobile app, they can request immediate maintenance, thereby avoiding prolonged downtime or a loss in quality. It’s as simple as that!

What are the main types of mobility use in large companies?

A mobilidMobility in large companies is adopted to improve control, productivity, and asset security. And there are many ways it can be applied:

  • Asset management apps that allow for integrated and real-time registration, organization, monitoring, and maintenance of equipment, machinery, vehicles, etc.
  • Fleet management apps that enable tracking the location, consumption, mileage, performance, and maintenance of company vehicles.
  • Work order management apps that facilitate communication between technicians, clients, and managers, while streamlining the registration and tracking of requests, report submission, and invoice issuance.

How does mobility impact the management of remote teams?

With a smartphone or tablet in hand, team members can work together in an integrated and collaborative manner, even while remote.

It becomes much easier to monitor activities, provide feedback, and evaluate results, thereby increasing productivity and work quality.

These resources become even more important for management teams that need to move between branches, as they can access information and data about assets at each location, enabling centralized and efficient management.

Therefore, it is essential that asset management software enables this mobility by providing apps and other tools such as mobile asset monitoring, which allows for real-time visualization, control, and optimization of company resources.

Mobility is a competitive advantage for large companies seeking to optimize their processes and resources, thereby increasing productivity and profitability. Investing in mobility is investing in the future of organizations, which need to adapt to the changes and demands of an increasingly dynamic and competitive market.

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